conference: michigan historic preservation conference

conference: michigan historic preservation conference

Michigan Historic Preservation Conference

2012 Conference:“Model Change-Over: A New Era for Historic Preservation in Michigan”

The Michigan Historic Preservation Network announces that its 32nd Annual Statewide Preservation Conference will take place May 10-12, 2012, in Flint, headquartered at the historic downtown Masonic Temple.

A model change-over, for those of us who have lived in the automobile capitol of the world for any length of time, is a time of expectation. It happens every Fall when the assembly lines are stopped and re-tooled. At the North American International Auto Show in January, you then may find that your long-time favorite has some subtle restyling, or there’s the flashbulb-popping excitement of a completely new model. When the concept of model change-over is applied to historic preservation, however, and is introduced at a time of economic uncertainty and a significant change in our state’s political direction, it is anything but benign. In the work we do – in which an impossibly delicate balance is maintained saving irreplaceable historic buildings while using their preservation as a sturdy tool of economic revitalization – ill-designed adjustments under the hood can cause more harm than good…or inspire fresh, creative thinking.

Of particular interest to a2modern see May 10th 3:15-5:00 session on the Michigan Modern project.

Complete Schedule